SRM (2016)
This document describes the technical specifications of the ZorgDomein HL7 V2.4 SRM (2016) message. This message contains data that is used for the logistical planning of a patient referral. The subsequent section further describes the contents of these segments. The abbreviation ‘’ denotes the element number. Options of a specific field within a segment implies that multiple options can be supplied by repeating the field. All available options will be supplied in the message. ZorgDomein adheres to the message structure and the required fields as specified in the international HL7 V2.4 specifications. In this document, the term ‘acting referrer’ describes the person that used ZorgDomein and actually referred the patient. The term ‘responsible referrer’ describes the person that is responsible for that referral. The two often relate to the same person. If the ZorgDomein content consists of a value between two double quotes, that value is the fixed value of that specific element.
Segment specifications
MSH - Message Header | Field name | ZorgDomein content |
1 | Field Separator | “|”. |
2 | Encoding Characters | “^~\&”. |
3.1 | Sending Application | “ZorgDomein”. |
5.1 | Receiving Application | Name of the receiving application. |
6.1 | Receiving Facility | Name of the receiving facility. |
7.1 | Date/Time Of Message | Date/time of message creation. Format: yyyyMMddHHmmss+HHmm. |
9.1 | Message Type | “SRM”. |
9.2 | If message contains new appointment request: “S01”. If message contains appointment cancellation request: “S04”. |
9.3 | “SRM_S01”. | |
10 | Message Control ID | Unique message identifier. |
11.1 | Processing ID | “P”. |
12.1 | Version ID | “2.4”. |
17 | Country Code | “NLD”. |
18 | Character Set | “8859/1”. |
ARQ - Appointment Request Information | Field name | ZorgDomein content |
1.1 | Placer Appointment ID | ZorgDomein number. Format: ZDnnnnnnnnn, where each n denotes a digit. |
6.1 | Request Event Reason | If message contains new appointment request: Code of reason of referral. If message contains appointment cancellation request: Code of reason of cancellation. |
6.2 | If message contains new appointment request: Reason of referral. If message contains appointment cancellation request: Reason of cancellation. |
6.3 | “99zda”. | |
7.1 | Appointment Reason | Code of health care product. |
7.2 | Name of health care product. | |
7.3 | “99zda”. | |
8.1 | Appointment Type | Code of type of referral. |
8.2 | Type of referral. | |
8.3 | “99zda”. | |
11.1 | Requested Start Date/Time Range | Start of range of requested date. Based on referral date plus the access time. Format: yyyyMMdd. |
11.2 | End of range of requested date. Based on date in ARQ-11.1.1 plus 30 days. Format: yyyyMMdd. | |
12 | Priority-ARQ | If message contains an emergency appointment: “S”. Else: “R”. |
15.1 | Placer Contact Person | The responsible referrer’s AGB-code. |
15.2.1 | The responsible referrer’s full surname. | |
15.3 | The responsible referrer’s initials. | |
15.9.1 | “VEKTIS”. | |
Option: Phone number of the practice | ||
16.1 | Placer Contact Phone Number | The phone number of the practice. |
16.3 | “PH”. | |
Option: Fax number of the practice | ||
16.1 | Placer Contact Phone Number | The fax number of the practice. |
16.3 | “FX”. | |
17.1.1 | Placer Contact Address | Combination of ARQ-17.1.2, ARQ-17.1.3 and ARQ-17.2. |
17.1.2 | The street name of the practice. | |
17.1.3 | The dwelling number of the practice. | |
17.2 | The other designation of the practice. | |
17.3 | The city name of the practice. | |
17.5 | The postal code of the practice. | |
17.6 | The country code of the practice. | |
18.4.1 | Placer Contact Location | Name of the responsible referrer’s practice. |
18.4.2 | AGB-code of the responsible referrer’s practice. | |
18.9 | Name of the responsible referrer’s location. | |
19.1 | Entered By Person | If the acting referrer’s AGB-code is known: the acting referrer’s AGB-code. Else: two double quotation marks (“”). |
19.2.1 | The acting referrer’s full surname. | |
19.3 | The acting referrer’s initials. | |
19.9.1 | If ARQ-19.1 contains a value: “VEKTIS”. | |
Option: Phone number of the practice | ||
20.1 | Entered By Phone Number | The phone number of the practice. |
20.3 | “PH”. | |
Option: Fax number of the practice | ||
20.1 | Entered By Phone Number | The fax number of the practice. |
20.3 | “FX”. | |
21.4.1 | Entered By Location | Name of the acting referrer’s practice. |
21.4.2 | AGB-code of the acting referrer’s practice. | |
21.9 | Name of the acting referrer’s location. |
PID - Patient Identification | Field name | ZorgDomein content |
Option: Patient’s BSN | ||
3.1 | Patient Identifier List | The patient’s BSN. |
3.4.1 | “NLMINBIZA”. | |
3.5 | “NNNLD”. | |
This option is always supplied in the message. When the BSN is not available, PID-3.1 is left blank. | ||
Option: XIS patient ID | ||
3.1 | Patient Identifier List | XIS patient ID. |
3.4.1 | The AGB-code of the facility. | |
3.5 | “PI”. | |
The option “XIS patient ID” supplies all available patient IDs by repeating this field. | ||
Option: ZorgDomein patient ID | ||
3.1 | Patient Identifier List | ZorgDomein patient ID. |
3.4.1 | “ZorgDomein”. | |
3.5 | “PI”. | |
Option: ZorgDomein number | ||
3.1 | Patient Identifier List | ZorgDomein number. Format: ZDnnnnnnnnn, where each n denotes a digit. |
3.4.1 | “ZorgDomein”. | |
3.5 | “VN”. | |
5.1.1 | Patient Name | The patient’s full surname. |
5.1.2 | Prefix of surname in PID-5.1.3. | |
5.1.3 | The patient’s own surname (without prefix). | |
5.1.4 | Prefix of surname in PID-5.1.5. | |
5.1.5 | The patient’s spouse surname (without prefix). | |
5.2 | The patient’s first initial. | |
5.3 | The patient’s second and further initials, separated by spaces. | |
5.7 | “L”. | |
7.1 | Date/Time of Birth | The patient’s date of birth. Format: yyyyMMdd. |
8 | Administrative Sex | If the patient’s sex is male: “M”. If the patient’s sex is female: “F”. If the patient’s sex is not specified: “O”. If the patient’s sex is unknown: “U”. |
11.1.1 | Patient Address | Combination of PID-11.1.2, PID-11.1.3 and PID-11.2. |
11.1.2 | The patient’s home street name. | |
11.1.3 | The patient’s home dwelling number. | |
11.2 | The patient’s home other designation. | |
11.3 | The patient’s home city name. | |
11.5 | The patient’s home postal code. | |
11.6 | The patient’s home country code. | |
11.7 | “M”. | |
Option: Patient’s phone number | ||
13.1 | Phone Number - Home | The patient’s phone number. |
13.2 | “PRN”. | |
13.3 | “PH”. | |
Option: Patient’s mobile phone number & email address | ||
13.1 | Phone Number - Home | The patient’s mobile phone number. |
13.2 | “ORN”. | |
13.3 | “CP”. | |
13.2 | Use Code | "NET" (When email is pressent). |
13.3 | Equipement type | "Internet" (When email is pressent). |
13.4 | Email address | The patient’s email adress. |
31 | Identity Unknown Indicator | If the referrer’s verification of the BSN is unknown: “Y”. Else: “N”. |
32 | Identity Reliability Code | “NNNLD”. |
The current referrer’s XIS interfaces does not include whether the BSN is verified by the responsible referrer or not. Until the verification of the BSN is supported, PID-31 always supplies: “Y” and PID-32: “NNNLD”. |
RGS - Resource Group Segment | Field name | ZorgDomein content |
1 | Set ID - RGS | “1”. |
2 | Segment Action Code | “U”. |
AIS - Appointment Information - Service | Field name | ZorgDomein content |
1 | Set ID - AIS | Sequence number unique within message. Initial value: “1”. |
2 | Segment Code Action | “U”. |
3.1 | Universal Service Identifier | Code of supply element. |
3.2 | Name of supply element. | |
3.3 | If AIS-3.1 contains ZorgDomein defined codes: “99zda”. If AIS-3.1 contains user defined codes: “99zdl”. Else: Global standard code (see table 0396 of the international HL7 V2.5.1 specifications). |
5 | Start Date/Time Offset | “0”. |
6.1 | Start Date/Time Offset Units | “m”. |
9 | Allow Substitution Code | “No”. |
11.2 | Placer Supplemental Service Information | Extra service information as requested by the referrer. |
AIG - Appointment Information - General Resource | Field name | ZorgDomein content |
1 | Set ID - AIG | “1”. |
2 | Segment Code Action | “U”. |
3.1 | Resource ID | Code of cluster. |
3.2 | Name of cluster. | |
3.3 | “99zda”. | |
4.1 | Resource Type | Two double quotation marks (“”). |
9 | Start Date/Time Offset | “0”. |
10.1 | Start Date/Time Offset Units | “m”. |
13 | Allow Substitution Code | “No”. |
AIL - Appointment Information - Location Resource | Field name | ZorgDomein content |
1 | Set ID - AIL | “1”. |
2 | Segment Action Code | “U”. |
3.4.1 | Location Resource ID | Code of the selected facility’s location. |
3.4.2 | Name of the selected facility’s location. | |
4.1 | Location Type-AIL | Two double quotation marks (“”). |
7 | Start Date/Time Offset | “0”. |
8.1 | Start Date/Time Offset Units | “m”. |
11 | Allow Substitution Code | “No”. |
AIP - Appointment Information - Personnel Resource | Field name | ZorgDomein content |
1 | Set ID - AIP | “1”. |
2 | Segment Action Code | “U”. |
3.1 | Personnel Resource ID | AGB-code of the specialist as requested by the acting referrer. |
3.2 | Name of the specialist as requested by the acting referrer. | |
3.9 | If AIP-3.1 contains a value: “VEKTIS”. | |
4.1 | Resource Role | Two double quotation marks (“”). |
7 | Start Date/Time Offset | “0”. |
8.1 | Start Date/Time Offset Units | “m”. |
11 | Allow Substitution Code | “No”. |
Version history
Version | Date | Author | Description |
1.0 | 21-10-2016 | Gido Duif | - |
1.1 | 26-10-2016 | Gido Duif | Change in AIS-3.3. |
1.2 | 28-02-2017 | Gido Duif | Removed ARQ-20 “Option: Mobile phone number of the practice”. |
1.3 | 9-3-2017 | Gido Duif | Removed ARQ-16 “Option: Mobile phone number of the practice”. |
1.4 | 23-3-2017 | Gido Duif | Added “appointment cancellation request” conditions to ARQ-6. |
1.5 | 30-11-2017 | Gido Duif | Correction in AIS-1. |
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