
ZD Organization Activation

A resource conforming to this profile is requested by ZorgDomein during the process of auto-activation to obtain the organization details that belong to the customer code that the user has entered in ZorgDomein. Queries on the https://[FHIRServerUrl]/Organization endpoint may include the following query parameters:

  • identifier=[system]|[code]: [system] contains the system uri for the coding system that was chosen by the XIS supplier, [code] contains the value of the custom code that the user has entered in ZorgDomein during the process of auto-activation (see auto-activation, step 2).

The canonical URL for this profile is:

This profile builds on Organization.

use Σ ?! 0..1 codeBinding
type Σ 0..1 CodeableConceptBinding
system S Σ 1..1 uri
value S Σ 1..1 string
period Σ 0..1 Period
assigner Σ 0..1 Reference(Organization)
active Σ ?! 0..1 boolean
type Σ 0..* CodeableConcept
name S Σ 1..1 string
alias 0..* string
telecom 0..* ContactPoint
address S 1..1
partOf Σ 0..1 Reference(Organization)
purpose 0..1 CodeableConceptBinding
name 0..1 HumanName
telecom 0..* ContactPoint
address 0..1 Address
endpoint 0..* Reference(Endpoint)

See the profile on for additional details.

Resource example

Below you find an example of an Organization resource that conforms to the ZD Organization Activation profile.

      "resourceType": "Organization",
      "id": "zd-organization-activation-1",
      "meta": {
        "profile": [
      "identifier": [
          "system": "",
          "value": "61944012-80ea-11eb-9439-0242ac130002"
      "name": "Voorbeeldziekenhuis Breukelen",
      "address": [
          "extension": [
              "url": "",
              "valueBoolean": true
          "use": "work",
          "type": "both",
          "line": [
            "Straatweg 68"
          "_line": [
              "extension": [
                  "url": "",
                  "valueString": "Straatweg"
                  "url": "",
                  "valueString": "68"
          "city": "Breukelen",
          "postalCode": "3621BR",
          "country": "NL"
    <Organization xmlns=''>
      <id value='zd-organization-activation-1'/>
        <profile value=''/>
        <system value=''/>
        <value value='61944012-80ea-11eb-9439-0242ac130002'/>
      <name value='Voorbeeldziekenhuis Breukelen'/>
        <extension url=''>
          <valueBoolean value='true'/>
        <use value='work'/>
        <type value='both'/>
        <line value='Straatweg 68'>
          <extension url=''>
            <valueString value='Straatweg'/>
          <extension url=''>
            <valueString value='68'/>
        <city value='Breukelen'/>
        <postalCode value='3621BR'/>
        <country value='NL'/>